Sunday, August 29, 2010

Update August 31- 2010 Pro's Or Con's "Top Secret Fat Loss - Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Reading
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review - 2 Major Flaws Found

By Jessie Sanders Platinum Quality Author

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a fat loss program that reveals natural methods of losing unwanted pounds of fat. There is no doubt that her methods work. By relieving your system from all of the "junk" it has accumulated over the years, you will definitely lose several pounds in as quick as one week.

The "secrets" revealed in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are real eye openers about the dangers of the toxic buildup occurring in our bodies from intake of processed, unnatural foods.

As someone who has been on a strict natural foods diet for the past 5 years, I had former knowledge of the topic before I read Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. I was looking for a product to recommend to my friends who were overweight, and wanted to lose fat and start living an overall healthy lifestyle.

I was looking for something that was easy to read, accurate, and easy to apply in real life. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret met most of my criteria, but was missing 2 very important parts. Before I could recommend Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to my friends, I had to personally create solutions to fill in the gaps. Honestly, this product would be a wasted investment without them. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret will absolutely help one lose weight fast, but without solutions to the 2 missing elements, the pounds will just come right back.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a great start. Dr. Suzanne knows her stuff and presents it in a way that is easy to understand. Although I had former knowledge of the topic before read it, I picked up a bunch of things I didn't know. She is truly an expert in her field, and Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is the real deal.

Here are some of the topics Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Covers:

* What is your metabolic type? Everyone has a unique metabolic type that determines how your body responds to certain foods. Two people with different metabolic types can eat the same foods, but one person can gain weight, while the other person doesn't.

* Your colon & liver are full of toxic buildup - Due to all the toxins in today's foods, your body's own natural detoxification system can no longer keep up and remove the toxins at the rate they are being ingested (that means the body will keep gaining weight until the toxins are first removed...Top Secret Fat Loss Secret explains how and tells explains what combination of specials herbs that will clean out your system).

* Parasites are most likely in you right now - It is estimated that over 85% of the population have parasites living in them right this minute. It is these parasites that keep a person from losing weight.

In Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst pulls no punches and gives the plain truth on what is really happening inside your body. Many of the concepts in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are not common knowledge and are opposite of conventional wisdom, which can be overwhelming for the newbie.

Even with this mass amount of information, there were 2 missing parts in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

I honestly couldn't believe Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst left these out of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. Not only does her book aim to help people lose fat, but it urges them to achieve optimal health. This is where Top Secret Fat Loss Secret falls short.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret explains how to cleanse your body, but fails to go into detail on how to maintain it. Once the body cleanse is completed, it is obvious that day to day maintenance will be required.

To fill in the gap for my friends, I wrote a guide book called "Natural Health Lifestyle: Putting It Altogether," specifically to complement the material in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. This guide book serves as a road map to maintaining health goals and truly integrating them into one's day to day lifestyle. Sure, in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Dr. Suzanne explains the larger concepts of what to do to get your body clean, but she doesn't tell you specifically what foods and brands to eat, which I've come to know in the last 5 years. My guide book does, and helped my friends fill in the gaps of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

Some of the topics in my guide book that will help one integrate the principles of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are:

* How to read nutrition labels - This is the key to keeping the weight off. Without understanding which ingredients are in different food products, it is impossible to control what goes in your body.

* Natural food alternatives - There are many alternatives to refined sugar, salt, and dairy products that are excellent for eating, cooking and/or baking. This section explains what to look for in foods that are good and bad for your body.

* Simple recipes & sample meal plans - I put together a simple collection of east-to-prepare recipes that my friends could make. I also laid out the best times to eat them and with what food combinations. Eating the right combination of food is just as important as what is being eaten.

Knowing the types of sugary and salty of foods my friends like to eat, I had to create a guidebook that made implementing the steps of a healthy lifestyle very attainable. After reading my guide, many of my friends realized that their diets were completely opposite of what they should be!

The second missing element is that Top Secret Fat Loss Secret preaches that exercise is necessary to achieving a healthy lifestyle, but Dr. Suzanne isn't a fitness expert and doesn't try to be. That is why Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is very vague when explaining the need for proper exercise. I was concerned that my friends would try and create their own personal workout plan, but I knew that they didn't have the necessary professional knowledge to do so.

I found a solution for this. A colleague of mine who is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist has written an excellent exercise and fitness guide book that serves as the perfect supplement to Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

This guide is called Training and Nutrition Insider: Secrets For A Lean Body. It filled with true nuggets of information that will jump start anyone on their path to a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some topics the book covers:

* Good cardio vs. bad cardio - "Bad" cardio can actually keep you from losing weight? The author goes into detail on why certain types of cardio exercises have significantly better results than others.

* Isolated vs. compound exercises - Why compound, multi-joint exercises will increase strength and metabolic rate, while isolated exercises can actually weaken the body and lead to injury.

* Non-traditional, fat burning workouts - The human body actually gets bored of doing the same old exercises every workout. The author presents exciting, innovative workouts that will keep the body guessing...and rapidly burning fat as a result.

* Don't be afraid of saturated fat - Eating an adequate supply of healthy dietary fats is vitally important to overall health. He reveals why everyone should consume this particular type of fat contrary to what all conventional-thinking doctors have to say.

The book is a complete wealth of information.

As you can see, Top Secret Fat Loss Secret provides an abundance of knowledge that will blow your mind. But, it is lacking in 2 areas: a detailed day-to-day nutrition plan and a detailed exercise plan.

With these 2 guidebooks that fill in the gaps, I can now confidently recommend Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to my friends and anyone who want to get healthy.

About the Author:

Jessie Sanders is a natural foods/healthy living expert. After experiencing drastic health benefits from switching to a natural foods diet 5 years ago, Jessie is motivated to share this health regimen to the world. She recommends Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to anyone looking to clean their body of dangerous toxins, lose weight and achieve optimum health. However, Jessie found 2 major flaws with Top Secret Fat Loss Secret and has created a solution for each. She does not recommend using Top Secret Fat Loss Secret without these 2 key tools, which are only available from Jessie's site. To find out how you can get these 2 tools for free, please visit

Recommended Reading
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Update August 18- 2010 Pro's Or Con's "Top Secret Fat Loss - Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Reading
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret by Suzanne Gudakunst
By Reese Moorisen

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a rather unusual book about fat loss, generally because it's not just about a specific diet, or any precise exercise regime. It does get into both of those things but the factor the writer, Suzanne Gudakunst, introduces as a big element in weight loss is body plaque.
'Dr Suzanne' is a Chiropractor from Atlanta, most celebrated for her use of research into the human colon and digestion working in tranquility with nutritive absorption to arrive at some rather startling conclusions.
It's all in Suzanne Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.
You may have heard of it, you may even have read a Top Secret Fat Loss Secret review. If you are like me, you though the reviews you read weren't written very well, which is why I'm writing this. Anyway, here's what it's about.
One method of becoming fat is consuming too many calories every day which our body reacts to by storing the surplus calories as fat. If this is all that's going on, the way to lose weight is simply reduce you calorific intake and exercise a bit.
But we have all had the experience of doing precisely that and not seeing the weight coming off.
What's going on?
In the water we drink there is lead, chlorine, and then there are all of the impurities from the environment that find their way into what we consume.
Also, there are parasites that are living in our viscera because the beef and fish we eat is typically not cooked well enough and the small beasts set up shop in our bowels.
The liver is the organ basically accountable for cleaning and one of the techniques it deals with the heavy levels of all these impurities and poisons is to increase our subcutaneous fat to contain them, and forestall damage to other organs and the vital methods of your body.
Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has figured this out, and she suggests the most effective way to lose weight is to 'first' clean out all of the parasites, poisons and impurities that have accumulated inside you. Purge yourself of the parasites and the disgusting sticky muck that lines your guts, then, when your bowel is clean,'then' start following a sensible, healthful diet.
Top Secret fat reduction Secret is only 49 pages, but it packs plenty of useful info inside it's pages. So what's in it?
One of the first things Dr Suzanne covers is Identifying Your Metabolic Type. This is significant because we all have a singular metabolic type, like our fingerprints, and once you know your metabolic type you can then plan your diet most effectively for fat loss. The strategy Top Secret Fat Loss Secret gives you for discovering your Metabolic ratio involves 'listening' to your body while you eat, but once you have it you're ready to proceed.
And then, she offers a link to a special quiz, which tells you what type of metabolic type you must go for and improve on. Nice.
There is her highly vaunted three day detoxification plan which shows you a way to cleanse your colon with all natural products. One thing that shocked me about detox was a lot of the first large losses of weight ( 20-50 lbs ) people experience following this program comes from removing the large quantities of unseen plaque from your intestines.
Then there is her diet plan, which is fascinating because it shows how specific sorts of protein don't go even with the healthiest of fiber rich vegetables and fruits, and if they are taken together they can create issues in your psychological clearness and energy levels.
Overall, there is plenty of great info packed into Top Secret Fat Loss Secret (even if it is just a little e-book), nearly the whole thing bringing new revelations into topic areas we believe we already know all about.
You may find pundits out there claiming, Suzanne Gudakunst scam, or 'top secret fat loss secret scam'. Don't believe it.
Our verdict? Highly recommended.

Recommended Reading
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Update August 05- 2010 Pro's Or Con's "Top Secret Fat Loss - Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Reading
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Is Top Secret Fat Loss Secret a Scam?
By Jon Millard

What is Top Secret Fat Loss Secret all about? Is it a scam? What are these parasites and plaque it refers to? If all this is completely new to someone, it could very well seem like another money-making scam trying to sell you something you don't need. The information herein is meant to help inform those who are curious of the dangerous reality behind the product creator, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's, claims.

Parasites are organisms that grow, feed, and are sheltered on or in a different organism (referred to as the host) while contributing nothing to the survival of its host, and often times causing it harm. Statistics claim that 85% of the world's population is infected with at least one type of parasite and that 80% of Americans have the exact stomach and intestinal parasites that Top Secret Fat Loss Secret refers to. Some experts claim this number is closer to 95%. These parasites enter the human body through a multitude of sources including but not limited to; contaminated food or water, improperly washed food, contact with larva infested dirt, pets, and even sex with an infected person. These parasites steal the nutrients meant to be absorbed for the maintenance of your own body, in effect robbing you of good health and causing you to get fat as your body eats more trying to receive the nutrients it requires. In addition to nutrient-theft and weight-gain, these parasites cause or contribute almost entirely to countless diseases such as cancer, organ failure, and gastrointestinal candidiasis.

To compound the problem even further, plaque forms on the intestinal walls from eating many common foods such as meat, bread, cake, french fries, fried chicken, pasteurized milk and name just some. This mucoid plaque is a tar-like substance that forms an impenetrable wall for all intents and purposes, for the normal function of the intestines (nutrient absorption and blood-filtering). I've read a statistic that as much as 80% of the nutrients we ingest just pass through us due to this blockage, unabsorbed and wasted. This is in addition to the parasitic nutrion-thieves as well. Conventional cleanses such as water fasting and even colon cleanses leave this substance totally unaffected and the problem untreated. A mucoid plaque specific cleanse must be done to remove this threat as more health complications can and will develop if left untreated.

It is very important to cleanse your body of these parasites and plaque, before they cause irreversible damage. In the process, your health will be restored and your body will be able to become the fat-burning furnace it was intended to be. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is no scam and will show you exactly the methods used by the author, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, in treating her very own patients to great success and many thanks. The product features not only complete instructions on the cleansing steps necessary to deal with these threats but it also contains complete information on how one can maintain a healthy lifestyle with accurate advice on diet and exercise.

For more information and to read an honest review of the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret by a self-certified health-nut CLICK HERE.

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Recommended Reading
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

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