Monday, July 27, 2009

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.
Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Weight Training For Fat Loss - The Secret to Lose Fat Permanently is Weight Training
By Randolph Meresmaa Platinum Quality Author

When you are young and handsome, then you can really eat what ever you want and not gain any fat at all. But as time goes on and we get older we no longer have the ability to do that. Most people know that metabolism has got something to do with it. But this process can be reversed and it is not that hard at all. The secret is weight training.

Weight training for fat loss

The reason why your body slowly starts to put on fat is because you just don't exercise enough. And if people don't exercise than we start losing muscle tissue and have less energy. If we have less energy than we get even less active and that makes use gain even more fat. The more fat we gain the harder it gets to start losing fat. The sooner you start with fat loss the better.

All of the top 100 meter sprinters have no fat and a lot of muscle mass. That is because sprinters spend a lot of time in the gym lifting weights to build muscle. They don´t spend hours and hours on long and boring aerobic exercises. Muscle is the ultimate fat burner.

A bodybuilder can eat something like 5000 calories and still have single digit body fat percentage, but if a person who has very little muscle mass and an awful lot of fat, then he would gain fat very quickly. Some bodybuilders don´t even have to do aerobic workouts when getting ready for a competition, they just make a few changes to their diet. The goal is to feed the muscle not starve it.

When you are starting out with weight training then always get some help from a fitness coach. You also have to know exactly what type of exercises you should do, what are the right techniques, what food to eat and so on. But without weight training you will never achieve permanent fat loss.

Do you want to find out what are the top 5 fat loss programs that are guaranteed to work? Are you tired of all the junk diets and fat loss products that never ever work? If so, then CLICK HERE

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How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
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Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret
By Mart Turku

The main question rises in the mind of the people is to know more about this dream program which is helping them to reduce the fat contents from the body and that too in effective time. It is considered to be a great resource for those people who really want to remove the fat portion from the stubborn belly. It is considered to be detoxification program which is known to the best and the natural way to remove out the harmful parasites from the body.

Another point to be noted is that in top secret weight loss secret there is not so much of emphasize on the workout which proves to be effective. Only some of the light internal training is included. But some information has to be still required by the user. This is the reason that if a person is really wishing to get rid of the obstinate belly fat then he can go for the secret fat loss secret.

Some of the guidelines included in top secret fat loss:

It is very interesting to know that Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst had included a wide range of topics which will lead the people to lose considerable amount of weight and also to keep the body in good state. So in order to have a lean and a fit body, some of the guidelines had to be followed along with the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret in order to reduce the fat contents and also to get the body in perfect and toned shape.

  1. It is always advised to have a healthy food so that right and proper nutrients can enter into the body. This is the most important topic which had been discussed in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.
  2. Besides this, it is also mentioned to stay away from the same and continuous cardio exercises and also the light weight training programs. The main reason behind this is that both workouts consume a lot of time and also not prove to be very much fruitful. It is always preferred to go for the high intensity training programs so that stimulation of the fat burning metabolism can be increased.
  3. For this purpose one can follow a combination of the total body workout along with the interval training. These forms are considered to be the best form and also they consume a very little amount of time in burning the large amount of calories ad also helps in the building up of muscles. According to the researches made and surveys done these challenging workouts can be very much fruitful and effective as compared to the boring cardio exercises and workouts.


It can be concluded that Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is not a scam. It is a perfect program which had been designed to help the people in cleansing the body so that excess of parasites and toxins can be removed from the body. These are the 2 main factors which are leading to the heavy fats in the body and with the help of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret they can be easily eliminated.

Click to read more about fat loss diet and the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret weight loss diet by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst

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Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Warning! Does the Weight Loss Method by Dr Suzanne Work? Honest Review
By Stephanie Garrett

We come across new weight loss diet plans everyday. One among these is Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. This is devised by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst. This is another natural method of losing the love handles around the belly, thighs and the arms. Here are some key features of this diet:

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Reviews

· This diet plan has two versions: the lighter one and the hardcore one.

· The lighter versions are meant for the beginners who are quite over weight.

· Hardcore elite version is tough to follow. It is meant for the regular dieters who are too determined towards weight loss.

· This plan helps you increase the metabolic rate of the body. This plan is made in a manner that it would help you understand your body type and then give you your meal plan.

· This plan helps you detoxify your body and cleanse the colon & liver.

· The parasites are removed completely from the body under this plan.

As such, it is a new diet plan so you shall not come across many dieters reviews online. But, the ones who are using it have reported some faults. These are not very major. The beginners might have problems but the regular dieters would not have issues using the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

These points are mentioned below:

· There are no recipes given for low calorie cooking.

· The language in some places is a bit technical that people can not really relate with.

· This plan is a little tedious to understand and follow.

· Especially, the hardcore elite version must not be taken without checking it up with your physician.

· Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is not a health expert or a professional dietician. What she has shared here are some simple diet tips. As compared to the other diet programs, this one offers lesser health benefits.

Inefficiency of metabolism is the prime cause for weight gain. The next step is to increase the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.

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Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Program

How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst Fat Loss Top Secret Review
By Jonathan Dawson Platinum Quality Author

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret weight loss program is a new, and already widely popular diet plan. Well, perhaps the more appropriate term would be to call it a detox diet since it basically cleanses your body of a lot of horrible things which have nested inside of you and may be contributing to your excess weight and are also causing you to become sick.

You see, each of us has some sort of undigested weight which accumulates inside us and coats the inside of our colon, intestine, and bowels. This is known as plaque, which is pretty horrible to your health and also physically makes you heavier.

The other things which a great deal of the population is carrying inside of their body are all sorts of intestinal critters, colon parasites, and bowel worms. These are small creatures which somehow get into our body, settle in our internal organs, and basically start to feed off our body. The big trouble is that once these parasites enter our body, they start to breed in the millions. This means that you're slowly becoming infested with these things. What Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret weight loss program do is help you to cleanse yourself of these parasites. This in turn helps you not only to lose a lot of weight fast, but also to improve your long term health.

I saw pictures of some of these creatures a few days ago, and I have to say I was frightened out of my mind and also disgusted to think that I have these things inside of me. Now, I mostly advocate weight loss programs which are based on proper nutrition and/or exercise, but I have to say that a person who has bowel worms or colon parasites needs to get rid of them in a hurry since they basically disturb the general function of the body. Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret weight loss program can help with that.

Of course, after you do cleanse your body and lose weight, I do advocate maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen, but the first step: cleansing your body, is very important.

Click here to see how Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst can help you to lose weight fast.

Jonathan Dawson lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about getting rid of bowel worms, click here: How To Get Rid of Bowel Worms Fast

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Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Wanting to Lose Weight? The Fat Loss Secret E-book Can Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
By Nikki Cooper Platinum Quality Author

Are you wanting to lose weight? Many ordinary people who struggled with weight for many years, trying different weight loss products and pills without success, have recently used the Fat Loss Secret E-book, and have successfully lost weight and kept it off. Can this book really help you to achieve your weight loss goals?

If you have in the past tried using different kinds of diets and strenuous workouts and still achieved no results, then you can find some quick and effective solutions in the e-book Top Secret fat loss secret written by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst.

This book presents a completely different approach to fat loss which can be achieved by cleansing your internal body system and getting rid of the harmful toxins. In short, you can achieve amazing results in weight loss using the right kind of detox diet, which is presented in this e-book. The book is specially designed for long-term fat loss which can be achieved using natural methods of cleansing the body using herbal remedies.

Through this e-book, Dr. Suzanne brings forth certain interesting facts regarding the inability to lose weight due to the presence of parasites inside the intestinal walls, which trigger cravings for unhealthy foods - that in turn makes us fat.

This e-book also exposes the ineffectiveness of the so called organic and health foods in burning fat from your body. The main focus of this detox program is to get rid of fat permanently by using some of the well-researched techniques provided in this e-book. This book is available in both Pro version and hardcore elite version, which is meant for different kinds of users depending on their individual weight loss goals.

Is this book to be useful, and can it help you to lose weight?

Dr. Suzanne provides lots of valuable information in the form of fat loss methods and techniques which have been carefully researched to aid in permanent weight loss. Besides, in this book, you can find some good source of nutritional information about different kinds of foods.

Using this e-book, you can also discover reasons behind why some proteins do not go well with certain fruits and vegetables. You can also get plenty of diet and nutrition tips from this book which can help in losing weight in the right manner.

The Fat Loss Secrets e-book is a genuine and effective companion for anyone wanting to lose weight and keep it off.

Using Top Secret fat loss Secrets ebook, you can learn the importance of getting rid of toxins in the form of parasites using natural and proven herbal methods. You can also find out your correct metabolic type using this book and know the foods which are beneficial in burning fat from your body.

This book can be a good investment for those who wish to lose weight in a healthy manner using natural methods and following the best detox diet program for getting long-term results. Start using this program today and start getting rid of that unwanted excess fat, visit:

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How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" Scam Exposed!
By Lee John

If you are looking for solution to your weight problem, you've probably come across Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's latest ebook called "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret". There is so much buzz around this book that makes you wonder if it is a magic program to end your weight problem. I mean, who doesn't want to be thin, live longer, and look younger? According to the salespage, Dr. Gudakunst can help you to achieve all of the above! Well, before you shell out your hard earned money to buy this book, please read this article as I am about to exposed the truth behind this book:

  1. There's no "secret" inside this book! The book is OK, but there's nothing new you didn't already know about weight loss and sound nutrition: regular exercise, portion control, avoid process foods, take organic fruits and veggies etc. You can find out the relevant information from internet with simple search, instead of paying $57 to receive the information. If you are interested to read more on healthy weight loss, I highly recommend official websites of WebMD and Mayo Clinic.
  2. The detox gimmick: The book emphasize that you must do colon and liver cleanse every 3 to 4 months to "clean" the toxins inside your body. This cannot be further from truth! According to reputable medical experts, detox cannot remove the toxins accumulated in your colon or other body parts. In fact, your colon is very efficient in natural cleansing. If you wish to improve bowel movement, you should drink 8 glass of water and consume at least 25mg of fiber everyday.
  3. Lack of clinical studies: Dr. Gudakunst claims that her diet plan work, but I failed to find any clinical studies directly related to her plan. At such, the long term safety and effectiveness of the plan are not known. I was reading a forum thread at, a member said that Gudakunst is not a medical doctor. Instead, she's a chiropractor from Atlanta. I cannot verify this statement. However, if Dr Gudakunst is really a "world-famous TV lady doctor" (as advertised), I would really love to know more about her background, i.e. her qualification and experience in medical fields.

Some people may argue that they have read a lot of positive review all over the net about Dr Suzanne Gudakunst "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret". If you take a closer look of these reviews, most are written by affiliates who are promoting the book for a 50% commission. At such, do you think they have your best interest in mind? In addition, I dare say most of them have not lost weight by following this diet plan. If you have bought the book, I urge you to get your refund as soon as possible.

Discover how I lost 10 pounds in 1 week, and never gain it back, Click here!

Lee John is guest author of Easy Weight Loss

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret - Why Chose This Weight Loss Program
By Hadee Ismail

Many people are fed up of dieting and taking different training programs. This is because they don't even lose a single pound. The reason why you don't lose weight is that your stomach and your intestine are filled with parasites. If you don't know what parasites are here is the definition. "Parasites are certain types of worms that have only teeth but no eyes. They are very tiny. They always depend in our food that runs through the stomach and intestine". When we diet our stomach gets empty. Then parasites eat our internal flesh.

When they eat our internal flesh some inflation occurs. Due to these inflation we feel hungrier. The more we eat the more we get fat. Many doctors have tried to get rid of this parasite. They only found some dangers medicine. Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, A lady doctor from Arizona was a research doctor on stomach and intestinal problems. After 2 years of hard work she found a natural method to get rid of parasites. Her secret on losing fat fast by getting rid of parasites shocked the million dollar weight loss industry. The secrets on losing fat fast are found in a downloadable guide known as Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

What is actually found in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Guide Book is a natural treatment method to get rid of parasites and easy steps that can be followed by anyone to lose weight. She also guarantees that you will lose 10Lbs in 14 days or money back.

If u need to get more information on: Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Click the one of link given below.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review

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Dr Suzanne Gudakunst Reviews - Who Should Use The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst's weight loss program, known as the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Program is causing a great deal of discussion in the weight loss industry. And indeed, this is an unorthodox diet plan which also claims to be able to cure certain illnesses which may be lurking inside of your body.

But is Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst's program the right one for you? This is an important question to answer because your choice of a diet program will also determine the results that you achieve with it. In this Dr Suzanne Gudakunst review I shall attempt to help clear and of the uncertainties surrounding this question so that you can make the right decision.

First, we need to fill in some blanks as to what this program actually is. The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a detox type program. This means that it cleanses your body of all sorts of parasites, intestinal plaque, and bowel worms which may have infested your body and are causing it to function worse than it should be. This internal pollution is what is causing many people to become fat and even obese. It can also be the cause of various illnesses, some of which may be serious. Often, it is this sort of internal pollution which causes you to fail with one diet after the other.

So, if you have failed with numerous diets before and don't know why, it may be because your body is infested from within. If you're truly infested, then you may also suffer from frequent bowel problems, stomach aches, or an unhealthy skin. If this is indeed the case, then Dr Suzanne Gudakunst's program may be the solution that you seek. By purifying your body, you will also improve your health.

To read more about this program, go to this webpage: Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Program Review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about getting rid of bowel worms, click here: Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst - What's Her Story?

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Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review - Is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst a Fraud?
By Jonathan Dawson Platinum Quality Author

The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a new detox based weight loss program, but does it work, or is the good doctor a fraud?

1. What Is The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret?

It's a detox based weight loss program which is based on the connection between excess weight and colon and intestinal pollution. This pollution can take one of two general forms:

  • Intestinal plaque which is generally undigested waste which is gradually clogging your internal organs
  • Colon and bowel worms and parasites which live inside your body and feed off it

This program's main goal is to get rid of these pollutants as the first step of allowing the body to lose weight and improve it's functionality.

2. Who is Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst?

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a doctor and researcher of colon diseases and obesity. She has appeared numerous times on television. This program is the result of her extensive research over a period of a few years.

3. Is this perfect weight loss program? This weight loss plan isn't perfect. The major downside is that this plan doesn't include any exercise which means that it doesn't develop any muscles. However, it can lead to a quick and massive weight loss.

4. What are the reviews of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret? Some people swear by this program and report losing upwards of 100 pounds. However, bear in mind that any diet is a personal thing and that no diet works for 100% of the people, so there is always the chance of it failing for you.

5. Who should use this diet? Basically, if you've tried several diets and failed to lose a significant amount of weight, intestinal plaque or parasites may be the reason why your body is finding it hard to get lean. I'd say that if you've despaired of other diet, give this one a try. Other people who find this diet useful are people who suffer from stomach conditions, allergies, and various other ailments.

Click here to see read more about the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Program.

Jonathan Dawson lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about getting rid of bowel worms, click here: How To Get Rid of Bowel Worms Fast

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review - 2 Major Flaws Found
By Jessie Sanders Platinum Quality Author

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a fat loss program that reveals natural methods of losing unwanted pounds of fat. There is no doubt that her methods work. By relieving your system from all of the "junk" it has accumulated over the years, you will definitely lose several pounds in as quick as one week.

The "secrets" revealed in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are real eye openers about the dangers of the toxic buildup occurring in our bodies from intake of processed, unnatural foods.

As someone who has been on a strict natural foods diet for the past 5 years, I had former knowledge of the topic before I read Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. I was looking for a product to recommend to my friends who were overweight, and wanted to lose fat and start living an overall healthy lifestyle.

I was looking for something that was easy to read, accurate, and easy to apply in real life. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret met most of my criteria, but was missing 2 very important parts. Before I could recommend Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to my friends, I had to personally create solutions to fill in the gaps. Honestly, this product would be a wasted investment without them. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret will absolutely help one lose weight fast, but without solutions to the 2 missing elements, the pounds will just come right back.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a great start. Dr. Suzanne knows her stuff and presents it in a way that is easy to understand. Although I had former knowledge of the topic before read it, I picked up a bunch of things I didn't know. She is truly an expert in her field, and Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is the real deal.

Here are some of the topics Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Covers:

* What is your metabolic type? Everyone has a unique metabolic type that determines how your body responds to certain foods. Two people with different metabolic types can eat the same foods, but one person can gain weight, while the other person doesn't.

* Your colon & liver are full of toxic buildup - Due to all the toxins in today's foods, your body's own natural detoxification system can no longer keep up and remove the toxins at the rate they are being ingested (that means the body will keep gaining weight until the toxins are first removed...Top Secret Fat Loss Secret explains how and tells explains what combination of specials herbs that will clean out your system).

* Parasites are most likely in you right now - It is estimated that over 85% of the population have parasites living in them right this minute. It is these parasites that keep a person from losing weight.

In Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst pulls no punches and gives the plain truth on what is really happening inside your body. Many of the concepts in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are not common knowledge and are opposite of conventional wisdom, which can be overwhelming for the newbie.

Even with this mass amount of information, there were 2 missing parts in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

I honestly couldn't believe Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst left these out of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. Not only does her book aim to help people lose fat, but it urges them to achieve optimal health. This is where Top Secret Fat Loss Secret falls short.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret explains how to cleanse your body, but fails to go into detail on how to maintain it. Once the body cleanse is completed, it is obvious that day to day maintenance will be required.

To fill in the gap for my friends, I wrote a guide book called "Natural Health Lifestyle: Putting It Altogether," specifically to complement the material in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. This guide book serves as a road map to maintaining health goals and truly integrating them into one's day to day lifestyle. Sure, in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Dr. Suzanne explains the larger concepts of what to do to get your body clean, but she doesn't tell you specifically what foods and brands to eat, which I've come to know in the last 5 years. My guide book does, and helped my friends fill in the gaps of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

Some of the topics in my guide book that will help one integrate the principles of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are:

* How to read nutrition labels - This is the key to keeping the weight off. Without understanding which ingredients are in different food products, it is impossible to control what goes in your body.

* Natural food alternatives - There are many alternatives to refined sugar, salt, and dairy products that are excellent for eating, cooking and/or baking. This section explains what to look for in foods that are good and bad for your body.

* Simple recipes & sample meal plans - I put together a simple collection of east-to-prepare recipes that my friends could make. I also laid out the best times to eat them and with what food combinations. Eating the right combination of food is just as important as what is being eaten.

Knowing the types of sugary and salty of foods my friends like to eat, I had to create a guidebook that made implementing the steps of a healthy lifestyle very attainable. After reading my guide, many of my friends realized that their diets were completely opposite of what they should be!

The second missing element is that Top Secret Fat Loss Secret preaches that exercise is necessary to achieving a healthy lifestyle, but Dr. Suzanne isn't a fitness expert and doesn't try to be. That is why Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is very vague when explaining the need for proper exercise. I was concerned that my friends would try and create their own personal workout plan, but I knew that they didn't have the necessary professional knowledge to do so.

I found a solution for this. A colleague of mine who is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist has written an excellent exercise and fitness guide book that serves as the perfect supplement to Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

This guide is called Training and Nutrition Insider: Secrets For A Lean Body. It filled with true nuggets of information that will jump start anyone on their path to a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some topics the book covers:

* Good cardio vs. bad cardio - "Bad" cardio can actually keep you from losing weight? The author goes into detail on why certain types of cardio exercises have significantly better results than others.

* Isolated vs. compound exercises - Why compound, multi-joint exercises will increase strength and metabolic rate, while isolated exercises can actually weaken the body and lead to injury.

* Non-traditional, fat burning workouts - The human body actually gets bored of doing the same old exercises every workout. The author presents exciting, innovative workouts that will keep the body guessing...and rapidly burning fat as a result.

* Don't be afraid of saturated fat - Eating an adequate supply of healthy dietary fats is vitally important to overall health. He reveals why everyone should consume this particular type of fat contrary to what all conventional-thinking doctors have to say.

The book is a complete wealth of information.

As you can see, Top Secret Fat Loss Secret provides an abundance of knowledge that will blow your mind. But, it is lacking in 2 areas: a detailed day-to-day nutrition plan and a detailed exercise plan.

With these 2 guidebooks that fill in the gaps, I can now confidently recommend Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to my friends and anyone who want to get healthy.

About the Author:

Jessie Sanders is a natural foods/healthy living expert. After experiencing drastic health benefits from switching to a natural foods diet 5 years ago, Jessie is motivated to share this health regimen to the world. She recommends Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to anyone looking to clean their body of dangerous toxins, lose weight and achieve optimum health. However, Jessie found 2 major flaws with Top Secret Fat Loss Secret and has created a solution for each. She does not recommend using Top Secret Fat Loss Secret without these 2 key tools, which are only available from Jessie's site. To find out how you can get these 2 tools for free, please visit

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Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Is Dr. Gudakunst Top Secret Fat Loss Secret A Fraud?
By Vitaliy Gershfeld

Dr. Gudakunst Top Secret Fat Loss Secret has been a very become a popular selling guide on the internet. It's website promises people can lose 20-50 pounds of excess weight fast. It also claims that obesity and weight loss issues are because of parasites in the human body which prevent people from losing weight. Is this true?

To a certain extent yes. Although Dr. Gudakunst's webpage exaggerates the parasites claim, it is a proven fact that Western cultures eat unhealthy foods which have the ability to contain parasites. In addition much of the water we drink can also contain parasites. Most of the time, boiling the water will get the job done, but the same can't be said for the food.

Dr. Gudakunst's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret guide consists of a combination of charts/step-by-step directions and health improvement tips such as which foods people should eat to lose weight and which foods they should not eat. In addition she provides a list of herbs that flush out the parasites in the body.

Now I am a pretty big skeptic about all of these claims but I did buy the guide, hence why I can claim these things. The information stated in the book is credible and does work. It is not a fraud.

I had recently seen a YouTube video which claimed "3 reasons why you shouldn't buy the book" and found it pretty dull. The only conclusion the video makes is that the book gives people a way to make money which makes it "fraudulent?", I say heck no. In fact the same person who posted that video also ends up promoting another product which is why I don't trust his claims. Other negative claims about the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret are written by people who did not even buy the book and assume they know what to expect from it. The point is whether the reviews are pros or cons, people need some honest info.

The point is whether the reviews are pros or cons, people need some honest info. I personally enjoyed the guide. In fact, here is an excellent page which basically summarizes each chapter and gives people an inside look into the guide.

It's honest, unbiased and will definitely answer most if not all of your questions about the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Book.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret a Scam?

By Igor Volyansky

Wow another fat loss hype. First we had starvation diets, then crazy exercise routines, now we have a hint that there are lots of parasite creatures in our stomachs. When I first got a hold of this product I thought that it is the stupidest book on fat loss ever. Like who in the world would come up with that kind of ideas. It sounds ridiculous but it is true that most of the people do have these parasites.

So is Top Secret Fat Loss Secret a Scam? Not even close. It is actually a product designed to help you cleanse your body from excess toxins and indeed parasites. Most people are not even aware that having these things inside their bodies is very big reason on why they wouldn't lose fat. It is like a big block that no exercise will fix.

There are two versions of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, Basic Version and The HardCore Elite Version. The HardCore Elite Version is a supplementary book that focuses strictly on maintenance of your results and exercise on top of your diet.

The basic version is the most important book as it outlines several step by step plans for you to choose on how to transform your body. It includes the famous 15 days to your new body plan which can literally transform the overweight unhealthy you into a clean and fit individual.

Overall Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is not a Scam at all. It is a product design to really change your life and improve your health.

Igor Volyansky

Check out my detailed review of this product here and I will get in detail of each chapter and what to expect from them. I can also provide you with a series of free tips on how to lose 10% body fat within a few months from now.

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Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Exposed - I'm Mad As Hell - Read My Review!
By Dean Boukaras Platinum Quality Author

I'm guessing you have tried to lose weight before, and in your attempt to do so you may have failed. The truth is that it's not your fault and you must know what the true cause of weight gain is and how you can overcome it. The truth may shock you! Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, exposes the most well kept secret in the fat loss industry which explains why many weight loss programs simply fail.

This article will explain why you currently cannot lose fat permanently, and how to change that once and for all.

Are you trying to decide if you want to purchase the eBook called "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst? Read my review as I give you my honest opinion and professional opinion as my line of work is in this field.

There are many so called weight loss eBooks being sold all over the internet. Most of the information you can find on your own if you really searched hard. But then what would you do with all that information. I always recommend following a system; one that it simple and one that works. Losing weight can be challenging as you take on new habits and replace the old negative ones.

As a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritional Expert I come across many online products that claim to be the best program. As every program may have its place, let's face it there are many programs that shouldn't exist. Therefore the purpose of this review is to help you make an informed decision before you decide to buy or have considered buying the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook.

Here's My Review on the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook;

Before I get into exposing the eBook "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, let me give you a brief history of the lady behind the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook.

Who is Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst behind the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook?

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a doctor who has been working on a detox diet geared towards removing harmful parasites and plaque in the intestinal walls of your colon. She has developed a number of natural treatments that are proven to eliminate excess weight in the average person along with obese people. Below is a study she conducted with some of the results she came up with. This is accountable for the success of her program...

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Study;

She had applied the natural treatment to a number of patients ranging from over weight to obese. Among them were also patients that had life threatening over growth of parasites and plaque in their intestinal walls. As a result of the study, most of her clients dropped 10-30 pounds and the obese group dropped 100-200 pounds of weight. She had discovered that obesity was closely related to an overgrowth of parasites and a congested colon. The result of loosing weight and detoxifying your body will surely have a positive effect on your internal body. Her discovery has allowed her to eliminate many life threatening diseases in her patients.

The conclusion of the study proves you must fix your colon system before you can experience any real permanent fat loss...And her eBook "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" shows you how!

Drug Companies Do Not Want The "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" Public

As a result of her study and new release of her eBook "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" she has been in a lot of trouble. Dr Suzanne has already received many death threats to pull her eBook of the market and out of the hands of the general public. This natural treatment she came up with has upset the entire fat loss drug industry including the many weight loss food manufactures. The reason is because they can't prescribe fat loss drugs if you don't need them. This means they will lose profits, billions of dollars in profits. Among other drugs you probably won't need are; cholesterol drugs, high blood pressure drugs, etc.

The "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook

I bought the eBook and I managed to read it on one sitting as the eBook was only 38 pages. Here's the thing; from my experience short eBooks can be very effective especially if the content covers a lot of ground. You can read them quickly and then follow up with action. If the material becomes to long and it takes you a few weeks to read it chances are you may never get around to applying it.

Chapter Overview to the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret; What Is The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret?

Chapter 1

"How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Program"

This is a pretty general part of the eBook which covers most of the basics to any good weight loss program. She states that you need to follow the advice of people who have been down the path you want to achieve, which is why I recommend listening to her as she knows what she is talking about.

Chapter 2

"Lose Weight Fast ­ Naturally With These 8 Simple Tips"

These are some basic principles you can implement into your life so you don't fall into the trap of gaining excess weight again.

Chapter 3

"The Metabolic Type Plan: What is the right type of diet for you?"

This section helps you identify which diet best suits you. It helps you determine the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need which are optimal for your metabolism. I did mention you were able to eat carbohydrates, as many think they need to avoid them to lose weight. This is the biggest misconception in the entire weight loss industry.

Chapter 4

"Changing Your Eating Habits"

This is an obvious chapter for some but not so obvious for others. We know that most of your eating habits landed you that extra weight on your body. So its undoing them that will help you set the right eating habits in motion. The great thing about this section is that it helps you make gradual changes or drastic changes. It all depends on the pace you want to go on. I think this is what really helps people commit to the regimen. Another great part of this chapter is how to identify your emotional triggers that might cause you to eat garbage foods.

So now that we have almost covered all the chapters you may be asking your self where is this so called "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret"? Well the secret lies in the last chapter, Chapter 5; Detoxifying your Colon and Liver.

Chapter 5

"Detoxifying your Colon and Liver"

In this chapter she discusses how to remove the parasites naturally and safely using plant extracts and herbs combined to clean out the colon. Remember these parasites are what make us fat.These creatures are also what are keeping you from losing that unwanted weight!! She states: "The fat that your body has accumulated or stored is a way to protect your vital organs from more toxicity building up." She continues: "A sure sign that you have toxic buildup is fat around the midsection, buttocks and/or thighs" No matter how much exercise you do, you're still going to have a pot belly, unless you use the information provided in this eBook to rid your self of parasites and colon plaque.

Chapter 6

"How to Maintain Results"

This is the section on maintaining your results, so you don't go back to your old negative eating habits which got you fat and sick in the first place. This section covers a variety of dietary and nutritional considerations and there are very important tips here to continue being in great health.

So there you have it, I hope my review has helped you make a much better informed decision. In all I think it's worth the asking price of the program. As it will surely help you lose weight and regain health.

Why piece random information from the internet in attempts to lose weight when you have all they information in one place and in a plan of action. Overall I recommend the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Exposed" eBook.

If you'd like to find out more how her "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" works and how you can get it (and before someone knocks her off for good!) then just click through to this link; to gain access to a Free 3 Part Mini-Course.

Dean Boukaras is a person who has dedicated his life to educating and helping as many individuals as possible reach their absolute physical best. He truly wants to impact one person at a time by spreading the health and fitness truth.

You may wish to publish this article for your website, blog, etc. As long as the article remains in its full entirety; including the links and the about the author resource box.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review - Is It A Lie?
By Monica Green Platinum Quality Author

Are you searching for a review of the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret review? You most probably have also tried a fat loss diet, but it did not help you lose much fats or weight. This report that you are interested about, written by Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, exposes the most well kept secret in the fat loss industry that explains why many diets and weight loss programs simply do not work.

This article will explain why you currently cannot lose fat permanently, and how to change that once and for all.

1. Who Is Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst?

She is an Arizona doctor who has received many death threats to keep her publication out of the fat loss industry. That is because her report has the ability to affect the entire diet industry, since many of these companies' businesses will be affected. Read on to find out why she has got the diet companies running scared.

2. What Type Of Research Has She Done?

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a doctor who has done studies of fat loss and the human digestive system and colon since from 2002, and how these 2 issues have a direct impact on one another. Now, she has published her results of why you need to fix your colon system before you can experience permanent fat loss. The relationship between people with chronic obesity and colon conditions are clearly highlighted in the report.

Everyone who has used her natural treatment methods has already benefited tremendously, improving their condition and fat loss results quickly. With such results, Dr. Suzanne further tried her treatment methods on overweight and fat people, and found that the results were just as effective.

3. Breakthrough Research Exposes Truth About The Fat Loss Industry

It is not your fault if you have tried dieting but not experienced much result from it. There is nothing with the foods you are currently, and the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret guide will teach you how to get out of this cycle that so many people are stuck in.

4. Why Does An Infected Digestive System Affect Fat Loss?

Most people have infected digestion systems filled with worms and parasites. If you are not sure yet about what this means, you can visit the website link at the end of this article to learn more.

These harmful parasites prevent our digestive systems from digesting foods properly, thus causing food to be absorbed with improper forms. To achieve permanent and lasting fat loss, this infestation needs to be cleared out to restore proper digestive functions.

5. Natural Treatment Methods Recommended By Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

The treatment methods recommended are low cost and completely natural, using plant extracts and herbs combined to clean out the colon. All the details about real fat loss, diet failure reasons, and the treatment methods are fully revealed in Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.

Do you want to learn the full secret about Top Secret Fat Loss Secret? Visit to see shocking proof of why diets fail, and Download Top Secret Fat Loss Secret here!

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Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Treatment For Parasites - The Easy Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Program
By Burt Amadio

We as humans usually like to put the blame on ourselves for everything. We like to hold ourselves accountable for everything that goes on in our lives. The same might be true when we want to lose weight? We think we are overweight or fat because we eat too much or possibly we don't exercise enough. The real reason is because our colons and even our stomachs have harmful parasites in them. We need to get rid of these parasites! I will be showing you a great treatment for parasites program!

The treatment for parasites was discovered by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst. She researched the real reason why we are fat and overweight. She discovered we are fat and overweight, because we have disgusting plaque and harmful parasites living inside our bowels. These harmful parasites lay eggs by the millions and multiply. The parasites live off our needed nutrition and thrive in our digestive organs. These parasites cause us to bloat and to retain a lot of weight. They also excrete inside our colons, causing their waste to turn into fossil like plaque inside us. These parasites, in turn, will cause all forms of disease and obesity and they will eventually kill us.

Dr. Suzanne revealed that most health care professionals are in fact lying to us. They don't want us to learn the truth about why we are really overweight and sick all the time.

Her treatment for parasites comes in the form of select herbs, extracts, and organic constituents. All of these 'protection agents' are found all over the world from a variety of plants. Once these herbs are combined in specific ways, they form a very powerful method in fighting against plaque and parasites.

We need to get rid of all these harmful parasites if we want to lose weight and get our health back. Our health and life is at stake!

This lady doctor has made a pledge to us. She said, "I will do everything to be your best friend and help you". She pointed to five things she has promised to people. Through her top secret fat loss secret method, you will lose weight and keep it off for good. You will live longer! You will feel great all the time. Also, you will get rid of any conditions and even diseases you thought nothing could be done about them. You will stay fit, feel good, and look younger and more "vitalized" than ever before!

Here I have shared with you a great program in the treatment for parasites! Please, decide for yourselves if your life is important to you and to your loved ones! To learn more and to finally, once and for all, get rid of your parasites, lose weight, and get healthy for good, click treatment for parasites.

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Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review
By Arindam Chattopadhyaya Platinum Quality Author

What have parasites got to do with fat loss?

Are you one of those trying to lose weight and wondering why you are not? You have tried everything possible, as well as including "healthy" and organic foods in your diet.

The fact is modern foods are filled with unnatural things which prevent us from remaining healthy. These foods are responsible for obesity and other related diseases. This may be the reason why
American dairy and meat products are not allowed in Japan.

Then why do we eat these foods?

There are parasites in our stomach, which dictate to the brain to eat these junk foods. Despite intense exercise and strict diets, obese people do not see results because of these parasites controlling their eating habits.

7 best ways to Fat Loss

1. It is always advisable to consult your physician before you get onto a weight loss regime.

2. You should always eat the right food. Be careful to choose only healthy foods.

3. Exercise and fat loss are closely related. Do regular stretching exercises. 20-30 minutes of exercise are good enough to begin with.

4. Quit drinking alcohol, as well as smoking.

5. You should rest adequately. 8 hours of sleep at night are necessary for an adult.

6. Never skip breakfast and drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday.

7. Keep your bowel clean. Drink two glasses of warm water in the morning everyday on an empty stomach.

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, a doctor from Arizona made a significant discovery recently, which shocked the entire multi-billion dollar fat loss industry. Her finding was that parasites are responsible for chronic obesity.

Suzanne's natural treatment methods for fat loss have been compiled into a downloadable e-book called "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret". I personally think this e-book is one of the best resources for fat loss.

You will learn how to get rid of these harmful parasites and little critters forever, using different natural herbs, extracts and organic constituents.

I have reduced my weight following Dr. Suzane's Top-secret-fat-loss-secret ebook. Apart from losing weight if you are interested to have sexy six packs abs, read here Fat Burning Furnace Review. You can read my articles on various aspects of weight loss at my blog on sureshot weightloss.

Dr. Suzanne G. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Top secret fat loss secret is one of the most used weight loss program for women who are over weight because of enormous appetite caused by chemicals produced by parasite and worms in the digestive system to induce false signal from the brain and for benefit of their survival, leading to obesity and over weight for women and men alike. The program besides shows you how to destroy all parasites and worm in your body and push them through your bowel. Without any false chemical induce the production of certain hormones, your appetite is back to normal and you are going to lose weight. We urge you to read the information carefully and compare with other colon cleansing program from other program, if you decide to purchase, please show your support.

Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Top-Secret Fat-Loss Secret - An Independent Review
By Roman De Luna

About the author

Let's start with her extensive research which takes us back to near the start of this century where the original concept for Top Secret Fat Loss Secret was born. At that time research was focused on understanding how the digestive system and colon dealt with nutritional absorption. As a pioneer in these early research efforts Dr. Gudakunst delved into some independent studies that yielded some pretty amazing results. She continued her research path in efforts to determine if there was a correlation between chronic obesity and disorders of the bowel tract caused by parasites and plaque. The discovery of this correlation was instrumental in understanding the inner workings of the bowel tract and nutritional absorption.

Dr. Gudakunst spent the next six years or so developing natural treatments designed to eliminate these harmful plaques and multiplying parasites. The treatments were extremely effective even in severely obese subjects whose health was in imminent danger. This successful venture let her to use the knowledge and methodologies gained through studies on the severely obese and expand the application to regular overweight persons with the same dramatic results. The only difference was the weight loss was not as pronounced for these individuals as it was for individuals 100 pounds overweight or more.

Includes all the details

In the book Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets, Dr. Gudakunst examines the problems of toxins that build up in places like your abdomen and your buttocks, in some cases build up of these toxins may indicate your liver is not working properly. Her book includes informative details about these toxins as well as the parasites that may live inside you; plus explanations about how fat deposits itself within the body. This book will leave you with a good understanding of how bodies actually store fat on vital organs as protection from toxins. She further explains the body's self defense mechanism, and how detoxification can help you decrease the amount of toxins that you have inside of your body.

In addition to information regarding how decreasing toxins stop fat from depositing on your stomach and vital organs, she also provides a wide range of data about "Colon Parasites." You find out why these parasites are said to give us the need to eat foods that are sweet and loaded with sugar but may also lead to some metabolic problems which impact our body's ability to burn calories.

Her Treatments are Completely Natural

Everything in her program is natural and comes from a variety of plants in the form of extracts and organic constituents as well as some select herbs. Her research may have found another answer for obesity and illnesses associated or complicated by it. This natural program is the secret that has reversed diabetes and other life-threatening diseases connected to poor diet and complications that come with being overweight.

She has Made it Easy to Use

It comes to you in the form of an easy to read book and anybody with at least a fourth grade education should not have any trouble understanding the instructions and implementing the program. One more thing Dr. Gudakunst does is provide two options for this program; the beginner Pro Elite and the advanced Hard Core Plan. But before you jump into the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret program you may want some additional facts first.

Hope you enjoyed this short review of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret. To find out more information about how this program can help you. Please visit us at:

Many thanks for stopping by Roman de Luna

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How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets
By Reuben Wallis

Being obese is more common than you may think, given the fact that three out of every five people fall in this category. This is the age of diet plans with each of them propagating one method or the other. I am sure that you have heard of the Atkins diet plan and then there are the others that call on you to avoid eating certain food items, all in the hope of cutting out the fat once and for all. However, these diet plans are not necessarily effective as they seem to be more about the end results rather than concentrating on the root cause. So, do not be that shocked if your new age diet plan does not lead to you losing pounds. Before you get started on the next diet plan, you may want to review the e-book, 'top secret fat loss secrets'.

You need to be careful when selecting a diet plan as that particular diet plan may lead to more harm than good. As you well know, diet plans require you to give certain food items a wide berth but the problem is that you may be starving your body out of some of the much needed proteins. Of course, this is not to say that diet plans are a bad thing but just that you need to work with a plan that is not entirely result oriented. Let's say that you go on a diet and it does lead to a loss of a few pounds. Without the root cause being addressed, the fat is going to make a return and in places you do not want to know about.

The e-book, 'top secret fat loss secrets' does address the root cause as to why some of us tend to put on weight even with one too many diet plans on the menu. Did you know that intestinal parasites can result in you putting on more weight as your intestine is unable to process the food normally? Naturally, in such cases, the diet plan will not have much of an impact.

Intestinal parasites, until tackled can do much more than disrupt your food from being processed. They can result in your blood getting poisoned thus leading to more complications. This e-book shows you how to rid your body off these parasites and this in turn should allow your intestine to burn off the excess fat, leading to a loss of quite a few pounds, front and back included.

With this product, you can ensure that your body burns off fat the 'healthy' way. By following the methods laid out here you should be able to lose quite a few pounds once your body starts to process the food normally. So, for an innovative method to dieting, do try out this product.

Reuben wallis takes a closer look at the e-book, the top secret fat loss secrets and provides us with his review. To know more, do click on the top secret fat loss secrets reviews

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Recommended Program
How to Lose 29 Lbs In 14 Days
Dr. Suzanne G. Fat Loss Secret,
Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Now

Dr Suzanne Gudakunst's Book Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets - Is it a Scam Or is it For Real?
By Florencia Deffis

The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Scam by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst

OK, so by now you probably have already heard a lot of buzz on this book and maybe even bought it. Why do I call it a Scam? you may ask, well...because I did purchase the e book and although it does contain true and valuable information, the information provided by Dr. Gudakunst is NOT a secret and it has not been for a very long time. Actually ancient civilizations used her "top secret" to achieve good health.

All her ads and her affiliates' ads state that she has received dead threats and doctors all over the world want her dead for releasing these "secrets" My guess is the only people who want her dead, are those who bought the book because they actually believed that there was some hidden "thing" keeping them overweight.

She goes on and on about eating organic fruits and vegetables, Big secret, right?

Stay away from all kinds of sugars and refined flours, heck this is new, isn't it? How did she discover this one?
Then she talks about not combining certain protein (animal) with carbs such as pasta, rice, and bread, potatoes, etc. Another very well know fact for those of us who have read any nutrition book ever before. Again, no secret here!

She advises the order in which you should eat your foods: fruit first, raw vegetables second, cooked or steamed veggies third and last your protein (any kind of meat). Again, nothing new let alone secret here. It's obvious that we should eat whatever is digested easier and faster first like fruit and veggies and the harder to digest foods after.

And last, my personal favorite so called secret, the one she claims has caused other doctors to threat her life... having your colon and liver cleansed to get any parasites or worms out of your system. Come on, is she for real? how can she call that a secret? How is this a reason for doctors wanting her dead for letting it out? I've read about this in at least 3 books before, books with no affiliate program, so I am not promoting here, these books were actually about clearing acne naturally.

Since colon cleansing is no secret AT ALL there are thousands of products on the market for colon cleansing, search the web and you'll see, there are colon cleanse kits, pills, etc. Most of them (at least those I have researched) contain pretty much the same ingredients: Psyllium Husks Fiber or Oat bran Fiber, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Cascara sagrada bark and Senna leaf, black walnut hulls, wormwood, and cloves.

If that wasn't enough, she then lets you know, within the text of her e book (with a link even) how you can purchase the cleansing kits she created, which conveniently contain all of those wonderful ingredients she mentions you need for the cleansing.

If colon cleansing is so new and secret, why is the hydro colonic therapy business growing exponentially? How come Spa's all over the world already offer this service?

My point? The book does contain valuable information, but nothing about what she wrote there is secret. Drinking a lot of water, staying away from sugars and flours, eating fresh organic fruits and veggies, exercising, having at least 4 meals a day, eating the right combinations of carbs and protein and colon cleansing are well known health and diet facts.

If you want to learn about nutrition and health in general, this is a good book for you. But, if you are seeking for a quick fix secret diet with no exercise and some goodies, this not for you, or just something that you have never ever heard about that is keeping you fat, this NOT for you. Most of us are fat or gain weight for a lot of different reasons such as overeating, genetics, hormonal problems, and in some cases parasites, but not in most cases.

Again, all of what she talks about is good information for anyone who cares about their health, not just someone who is overweight. Just don't buy the whole "a new you" in one month with no great efforts. Not true.

While the most effective marketing is mainly done through people's negative emotions, such fear and issues related to being overweight, I totally disagree with toying people around and placing ads with phrases like: "is not your fault you over eat", "being fat has nothing to do with your will power". If you overeat, no matter what the reason for doing it is your fault, and it has everything to do with your will power and the sooner you accept and realize it, the sooner you will be on your way to weight loss.

If you happen to read any other articles promoting or stating that the book is the ultimate weight loss solution, chances are, they are in her affiliate program and earning 75% of any sale they make, through their articles, PPC or any other form of publicity, so it's not that the book worked for them, they just want the juicy commission.

Florencia Deffis is a wellness consultant seeking to help people improve their life by improving their health avoiding hazardous and aggressive medicines, using natural treatments instead.

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